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Diameter: 14.5mm
Water content: 38%-42%
Base arc: 8.5mm
Replacement period: within 12months
What's inside: two contact lenses + one lens box
Processing time: 2-3 working days


1. How to read the prescription for colored contact lenses?

You can select your focal power from the drop-down list, the focal power of the two lenses is the same. For power mixing, select 1 from the drop-down list, and then type 1 in the field below the drop-down list. Please check the stock availability in the drop-down list 1. Just like below.
If there is no column displayed under Select Power, it means that each pair has the same power, so you must get 2 pairs for different prescriptions.

The prescription for colored contact lenses is different from the prescription for glasses. So; before ordering prescription colored contacts, you should have a new prescription on hand.
In contrast, if you are looking for non-prescription (power 0.00) color contacts, you only need to select the correct pair of color contacts.
2. If you have astigmatism; you absolutely need ¡ °Toric contact lenses
3. If you encounter any of the following problems, please remove the lens immediately:
Itchy, burning, or tingling eyes
The sensation of something in the eyes
Excessive watering, abnormal eye discharge, or redness
Blurred vision, rainbow or dark spots around objects. If your lenses are worn continuously or for too long, dry eyes may occur.
The lens does not feel as comfortable as when it was first inserted.
If the discomfort or problem stops after removing the lens, check carefully for damage, dirt, or foreign objects.
If the problem persists, please consult your ophthalmologist immediately.
Any of the above symptoms may indicate a serious condition, such as an infection or corneal ulcer. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid serious damage to your eyes.
Remember, symptoms are warning signs. If in doubt, remove them.
4. What is the shelf life and service life of the colored contacts?

The shelf life of colored contact lenses is approximately 3 years/printed on the label, and the life span of the lenses varies after opening. The replacement period is indicated in the product description, and we recommend processing within the replacement period, depending on the frequency of use.

If you have any questions, please contact us:
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